Anaïs Ménard

Chercheure postdoctorale de l’EHESS, rattachée au Centre d’Études en Sciences Sociales du Religieux (CéSor)

Chercheure affiliée à l’Institut Max Planck en Anthropologie Sociale

 Titres universitaires

Doctorat en anthropologie sociale, Université Martin-Luther-Wittenberg et Institut Max Planck en Anthropologie Sociale, Halle, Allemagne, 2015

Diplôme de l’Université d’Oxford (MSc African Studies), 2008

Diplôme de l’Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris, 2007

Principaux thèmes de recherche

  • Anthropologie politique de la religion
  • Religion and construction identitaire, pluralité religieuse
  • Anthropologie de la mobilité, migration, politiques de l’autochtonie
  • Anthropologie linguistique et sémiotique, créolisation

Domaine régional : Afrique de l’Ouest, Sierra Leone

  • Recherche menée dans le cadre du post-doctorat EHESS/CéSor : ‘African Traditional Religions in Contexts of Migration : Understanding Integration through Recprocity’. Ce projet explore le rôle des religions ouest-africaines dans la construction de relations interethniques en contextes migratoires, en étudiant l’émergence de rituels communs et l’appartenance commune à des institutions religieuses locales.
  • Recherche de doctorat menée au sein du groupe de recherche ‘Integration and Conflict along the Upper Guinea Coast’ de l’Institut Max Planck en Anthropologie Sociale, Allemagne (terrain en Sierra Leone de mars 2011 à juillet 2012) : ‘Beyond Autochthony: Sherbro Identity and the (Re-)Construction of Social and National Cohesion in Sierra Leone’. Thèse dirigée par Jacqueline Knörr et Wilson Trajano Filho, mention Summa cum laude, médaille et prix Otto-Hahn de la Société Max Planck.


 (2017) (à paraître). ‘Understanding Conflict and Integration through the Reciprocity Lens: Mobility and Settlement in a Historical Perspective on the Sierra Leonean Coast’. Social Identities, special issue ‘Patterns of Im/mobility, Conflict and the Re/Making of Identity Narratives’.

(2017) avec Birgit Braüchler (à paraître). ‘Patterns of Im/mobility, Conflict and the Re/Making of Identity Narratives’. Social Identities, special issue ‘Patterns of Im/mobility, Conflict and the Re/Making of Identity Narratives’.

(2017) (à paraître). ‘Dynamics of inclusion and exclusion related to a creole language: “Krio” as an ambivalent semiotic register in present-day Sierra Leone’ in Jacqueline Knörr and Wilson Trajano Filho (eds.) Creole Languages and Postcolonial Diversity in Comparative Perspective.

(2016) ‘Poro Society, Migration and Political Incorporation on the Freetown Peninsula, Sierra Leone’ in Christian K. Højbjerg, Jacqueline Knörr and William Murphy (eds.) Politics and Policies in Upper Guinea Coast Societies, Change and Continuity. Palgrave Macmillan.

(2015) avec David O’Kane. The Frontier in Sierra Leone: Past Experiences, Present Status, and Future Trajectories, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale, Working Paper n°162.

Colloques internationaux

(2015) ‘Mobility and Reciprocity on the Sierra Leonean Coast: a long-term perspective on conflict’. Im/mobilities as products and generators of conflict, Peace and Conflict Studies in Anthropology, Francfort.

(2014) ‘Dynamics of inclusion and exclusion related to a creole language: “Krio” as an ambivalent semiotic register in present-day Sierra Leone’. Creole Languages and Postcolonial Diversity in Comparative Perspective, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale).

(2014) ‘Expériences passées et présentes de la frontière dans la Péninsule de Freetown, Sierra Leone’. Deuxièmes Rencontres Nationales des Jeunes Chercheur.e.s en Études Africaines, Paris.

(2014) ‘Land disputes as social spaces for redefining inter- and intra-community rules in the aftermath of the Sierra Leonean war’. Collaboration, Intimacy & Revolution – innovation and continuity in an interconnected world, 13th Biennial Conference of European Association for Social Anthropologists, Tallinn.

(2013) ‘Performances and Discourses Related to Secret Societies in the Freetown Peninsula’. Future Publics, Current Engagements, American Anthropological Association 112th Annual Meeting, Chicago.

(2012) ‘The “Ethnicization” of Land Struggle: A Case Study of the Western Area of Sierra Leone’. Research Frontiers in the Study of Africa, African Studies Association 55th Annual Meeting, Philadelphie.

(2012) ‘New Dynamics in the Use of Cultural Resources: Poro society and ethnicity in Sierra Leone, Freetown Peninsula’. Transcending Traditional Tropes: Conceptualizing Politics and Policies in 21st century Upper Guinea Coast, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale).

Organisation de panels (colloques internationaux)

(2017) avec Maarten Bedert. ‘A desire for the authentic: urban and rural lives as categories of social distinction’. Urban Africa – Urban Africans: New encounters of the rural and the urban, 7th European Conference on African Studies (ECAS-7), Bâle.

(2015) avec Maarten Bedert. ‘Secret Societies and Resistance in West Africa’. Collective Mobilisations in Africa: Contestation, Resistance, Revolt, 6th European Conference on African Studies (ECAS-6), Paris.

(2014) avec Maarten Bedert. ‘Rethinking Conflict in the Upper Guinea Coast Region: Ethnographies of the Post-war Moment’, co-organized with Maarten Bedert. Rethinking Violence, Reconstruction and Reconciliation, African Studies Association, 57th Annual Meeting, Indianapolis.

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